• Uprawa różnych gatunków lawendy
• Uprawa lawendy w donicach i kontenerach w domu (małe okazy), na balkonach i tarasach oraz w ogrodach
• Uprawa lawendy w gruncie
• Ukorzenianie sadzonek lawendy
• Torf
• Keramzyt
• Kompost zielony
• Piasek
• Kreda
• Nawóz
• Salnity: < 2,0 g/l
• Structure: 0-40 mm
• The best time to plant lavender is spring and fall
• The day before transplanting, water the plant
• The product is mechanically pressed - before use, proceed to loosening and, if necessary, when the substrate is dry, soak it with water
• Lavender loves a sunny position, sheltered from the wind, grows well on balconies
Transplanting into pots
• We choose a clean pot with drainage holes, larger than the root ball
• Pour the drainage to the bottom of the pot (e.g. expanded clay), and includes a range for lavender
• Insert the plant and fill the pot up to 2 cm below the edge of the pot
• After transplanting, lightly knead the substrate and water it moderately, without wetting the plant
Transplanting to soil
• We plant lavender at 30-40 cm intervals
• We dig a hole about 30% larger than the root ball and fill it with an area of lavender substrate
• Then we put a root ball and a hole in the ground to complement the lavender
• Directly after moderate replanting, water the substrate
• Lavender requires fertilization once a year, preferably with garden compost spread 2 cm around the plant
• Lavender does not tolerate large amounts of water and wet locations
• Water in a pot regularly, but moderately, e.g. in the summer 1-2 times a week
• Lavender well developed at constant humidity
• Young plants affected by more frequent watering.
• Lavender hates weed competition
• Is available to make the plant thick and bloom profusely
• Pruned best in autumn (September)
• After flowering, we shorten the shoots by at least half